ATR Attorneys-at-Law Ltd is a law firm engaged in business law practice, with an emphasis on international and domestic business transactions, in-bound structures into Switzerland, contract law, intellectual property, employment law, franchising/distribution law, succession planning, commercial real estate transactions and commercial litigation. In addition, there is in-depth knowledge of public commercial law and general administrative law.
By choice, ATR Attorneys-at-Law Ltd has remained a small law firm that has established a reputation for providing high quality legal services to its clients in a setting that allows its members to personally oversee client matters.
ATR Attorneys-at-Law Ltd is committed to responding quickly and efficiently to the needs of its clients. The firm's attorneys understand the problems often encountered by clients in specialized industries, and its attorneys maintain a high degree of awareness of, and sensitivity to, the business and economic environment in which clients operate. The firm's attorneys participate on a regular basis in continuing legal education seminars to enhance the firm's ability to respond to the latest legal developments.